Antique Scales
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A and A Scales LLC
Toll free 800-481-4114
Outside the U.S. 973-800-3965

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We are always looking to purchase Toledo person weigher scales

Antique Toledo porcelain jockey scale

Price: $2,500


Toledo person weigher

Price: $2,000
click here for a close up


Towle beam scale with duck bill indicator

used in the silver industry

(click on photo for a close up of the Duck Bill)

Price: $500


Toledo person weigher

Price: $1,250


Crow's Foot Scale

Price: $200


ESW, Inc. Scale

used for weighing bales, seed, cotton, etc.



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A and A Scales, LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114

     Fax 509-355-3498
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